추억과 즐거움 Tooli의 고전게임 - 툴리의 고전게임
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클릭하여 쿠팡 방문하고 50 툴리 포인트 받기
2시간에 1회씩 획득 가능

2008.12.06 15:34

4. press on the Level 4 V
5. write green green
6. -
7. press on the edge on the square
8. pw: fire
9. left in the bottom corner
10. press the stupid button, press on X
11. press in the middle.12. 12*12 = 144
13. Press on them in numberorder
14. pw cake
15. write american pie
16. press on the ball
17. press on the biggest flame
18. write B
19. pw:special
20. pw: Twelve
21. -
22. move on the all the bricks to find EXIT
23. pw: 1967
24. pw: control
25. -
26. pw: nogatnep
27. pw: GOLDIE
28. press on the buttons.
29. write #&P< and after move the square
30. -
31. Press e and after press the button. big L in the end.
32. Move all the squares.
33. Press on all the red button.
34. -
35. pw: canHam
36. -
37. pw: 8^B+.
38. pw: LEVEL38
39. pw: pennywise
40. k, w, 0, . , +, (,
41. Wait until the button comes up in the corner
42. pw: 76330
43. -
44. yellow, green, blue, brown, blue, darkgreen, red.
45. blue, yellow, red, brown, pink, green, orange
47. Move all the squares in the middle. It is many!
48. Pull away the invisible "window".
49. -
50. -
51. -
52. second line at left ,5 squares down.
54. pw pants
55. press 1,2,3 och 4 on the keyboard. 1+2+3+4 = 10
56. just answer :'>
57. pw rewind.
58. press tab 2 times then enter, g;r s[ until you clear the level.
59. pw leaf.
60. pw week.
61. press ok on everything, pw gnome
62. 2^66 = 73786976294838206464
63. right click once, move on all the boxes
64. copy aaaaaaaaaa, paste it 10 times = 100 "a", mark everything and copy it 10 times= 1000 "a".
65. tab and press enter.
66. Write Level 66 take away all the letters until it gets black, remove all the letters. Start vid L.. pw: CHEESUS
67. pw N62T4HH3
68. Write the sentence without space.
70. pw random
71. pw NEUTRAl
72. pw button
73. Write first lemon->go->erase->write berry->go
74. R89NHXXM6BA338, pw: I love this game
75. -
76. yellow 14, red 15, green 92, blue 65 pw: 14159265
77. Right click, Keep the pointer at EXIT press.
78. pw: LOYAK
79. pw: 3589793
80. pw: password
81. pw: Scream
82. pw: Rainbow
83. pw: Green Square
84. pw: 7
85. pw: 2005
86. pw: 86
87. +, yellow, red, green, blue, black, grey, white, zoom zoom
88. pw: trial and error
89. pw: hand
90. Just press GO
91. pw: ninty-one
92. pw: wall breaker
93. pw: xx
94. pw: count down
95. pw: elimination > enter (not go)
96. pw: tricky
97. pw: 1000
98. pw: path finder
99. pw: FRAMES
100. pw: sequence
101. pw: EyE
102. pw: BOOBIES
103. pw: your name
104. pw: ENLARGE
105. pw: hidden
106. pw: vrf
107. pw: lkjhgfdsa
108. once space
110. press go 20 times i think, dont know how i cleared that level
111. pw: QUEST
112. pw: menu
113. pw: BAM
114. pw: your phone #
115. pw: hidden
116. pw: Hidden
117. pw: patience
118. pw: colours!
119. pw: daisy
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