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글 수 10,171
Here is an internetroom in Daeman(eoaks)
I can't tieping(xkdlvld) Hangle(gksrmf)
So, English.
Melon, NoRcall, Histery, Gangy, Bandal and last... Shigong.
Maybe, I can check your comment. Please leave the messege. and Don't Use The Hangle !!!
If you use Hangle, I can't check your messege
And last, maybe, you can see me Wensday(spelling right??) in IRC #tooli
Remember Remember 20th of March
ps. Can not install IRC, Can not connect chatroom in tooli board.
Hey Melon, checking Lockers
(dksk tlqkf ansqjq akwsmswl ahfmrptsp zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)
댓글을 작성하시려면 로그인을 하여주세요 :)
2010.02.20 14:42:41
▶◀ u were a good friend....... i can't miss u.... bye bye .......
2010.02.20 16:01:20
Wensday--->Wednsday(Oh, I forget Spelling '수요일')
2010.02.20 17:26:04
in_life was gone
i can't miss you
you are really nice guy! lol
2010.02.20 23:28:20
나보고 해석따위를 하고나서 영어로 문장을 작성하라는 거냐?
2010.02.21 04:44:10
쓸거면 보기 좋게 글자를 키우던지... 굴림체로 좀 써주던지....
대만이라서 한글 안되는 거겠지?
Listen. Accident? Illness? No dice!. Enjoy the peace and quiet. You hear me?
(잘 들어. 사고? 질병? 안돼! 평화와 고요를 즐겨. 알아들었어?) <~ 친절한 해석
2010.02.21 09:36:58
이런거보면 구글번역기가 좋단말이야;;;
2010.02.21 10:57:40
한글을 사용해주지 ㅎㅎ
2010.02.21 17:27:18
I'm sorry. Korean language was used.
Rocking fun trip to go well.
School begins in two approaches. They suck.
Do not want to go to school!
English writing really annoying.
I do not know the grammar is correct. Take care of yourself. Bye
2010.02.21 22:15:05
Oh yeah, this is fucking real
Hi!! :D
Bye~ :p
2010.02.21 22:22:13
으잌 한글이 안보인다구 ㅋㅋㅋ IN生 ㅋㅋ 내가 뭐라는지 이해 못하겠지 크크킄
지 닉이 있으니 뭐라 하는거 같은데 안보이겠찌 크크킄... 하지만 내가 하는 소리엔 중요한 내용이 없는..
그저 IN生 괴롭히기라능 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ모르겠지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Bye~크크크 결정타다 ㅋㅋㅋ 뭔 소린지 전혀 모를꺼야
2010.02.21 22:30:29
letter.. up!! please. (rmfwk zmrp Tj)